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  • Mmapula Mothapo

Rights holders service quality and its importance to a sponsor’s success

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Photo by Unsplash

Rights holders provide the property and the platforms to support the commercial rights offered to sponsors. With the value of the property sitting with the rights holders, the sponsors’ investment can be in a position of success or failure as it is influenced by their service delivery. This in turn determines the sponsors contract renewal or not.

Many brands can leverage a property and make a success out of the sponsorship, but this should not encourage the passiveness of rights holders. When a rightsholder has very little or no control over how the performance is managed it should raise a red flag for their own profit making and the satisfaction of the sponsor which may affect a contract renewal.

With this said, it cannot be solely the rights holder’s responsibility and the measurement of the activation. A proactive approach needs to be upheld to help them realign and regain influence over the success of the sponsorship. While success may mean something different to each sponsor, but most sponsors prefer to focus on ROO/ROI results to determine the success of the sponsorship. Once the sponsorship answers the business objectives and their reasons for sponsoring are achieved, the rights holders should be further encouraged to build value for their sponsor and build long term, successful partnerships that lead to renewals.

Mutual commitment needs to be set aside from the beginning of a relationship. Ways of working, streamlining of work, processes, alignment, governance, and teamwork between all parties appointed to manage the sponsorship. When these are set out, an outcome-based relationship is forged, and all teams understand how to level up work on common goals. Another way of looking at this is if your brand as a rightsholder matches the sponsor you have chosen? The rights holder and the sponsor can both benefit from brand fit when they understand a clear strategy of how they will get there.

Excellent service delivery and a solid relationship based on trust will help the sponsor succeed on their reasons to sponsor and achieve their objectives. A satisfied sponsor will gain you a long-term contract and assist in acquiring other valuable sponsors. Retention will not be an issue; value will be attainable and sponsor satisfaction will be achieved.

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